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Where Will Ads Be Shown in the Cookieless World?
The digital world is a complex ecosystem designed to simplify access to information and help people connect easier with fewer limitations. While not paying for it directly, we need to remember that apart from being a content platform, the Internet is also an enormous marketplace, where we – as users – are clients.
- Cookieless World
- Digital Advertising
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Google’s Update on Privacy Sandbox and Measurement Proposal by Firefox CTO
It’s time for the next part of our “Media Review” series. We take a deeper look at five pieces of content – including digital advertising analyses involving Apple’s ATT, a protocol for a privacy-preserving measurement, and the progress in Google’s Privacy Sandbox.
- Cookieless World
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Update from Chrome, Look at Digital Identity Strategies and the Future of Reporting
It’s time for our 4th Media Review. This month, we selected 5 stories, such as an update from Chrome on the progress of the Privacy Sandbox and an analysis of the future of reporting.
- Cookieless World
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Potential Direction for FLoC, a Look at SWAN, UID 2.0 explained and more
In this Media Review, we selected four articles about potential direction for FLoC, detailed description of Google’s Attribution Reporting API, the analysis of SWAN and the explanation of UID 2.0.
- Cookieless World
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[Video #2] How to Create Personalized Ads without 3rd-party Cookies?
Marketers have long relied on the use of 3rd-party cookies to create personalized ads and rightly so. They’ve been a fundamental route to success for many years now, however, the end is near!
With Google’s announcement that its Chrome browser will no longer accept cookies in the future, those in the industry are now asking themselves the same worrying question – can you create a personalized ad without the use of cookies?
Our experts Laurie da Silva and Richard Johnson are back again for another episode with some savvy information on how exactly we can plan to handle personalization without cookies.
Watch the 2nd episode now to get an insight into how methods of data monitoring will change and which talks about a new way forward for an individual experience.It’s sure to be a game changer!
- Cookieless World
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Detailed Privacy Sandbox Timeline and Selected Privacy Analyses
In the second episode of our “Media Review” series, we take a deeper look at Google’s announcement about the Privacy Sandbox timeline, consider how businesses should use the time that Google just gave them, and analyze the privacy aspects of FLoC.
- Cookieless World